High quality equipmenttested before dispatch
Equipment configuredbased on your location
1 year warranty
Being an ISO 9000 / 9001 / 9004 / 19011: 2000 certified organization, established by UK Government at 1993, we offer a voluminous rang of premium quality jamme products from multi band, very high power jamming systems, Vehicular Jamming system, Multi band Jamming system, Indoor and Outdoor Jammers ( Cellphone Jammers, GPS Jammers, Wireless camera Jammers ), for the protection of troop transportation, Military and Police checkpoints, large Governmental establishments, Bomb Disposal Squads and VIP convoys.
We will write “Signal Booster” or “signal reciver” or “RF ROUTER ” on the package, also describe the contents value as $10 each and describe it as a “GIFT”, this way it will avoid being caught by Customs for Import taxes!