Frequently Asked Questions
Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.
Before linking all the antenna, power supply shall not be switched on at first. Non taking off antenna when the mainframe is in the working condition.
The jammer shall be installed in the position with good ventilation. And large-scale things shall be avoied to ensure to the shielding effect.
When use the jammer outdoors,preventing water shall be taken into consideration.
Antenna shall be used vertical to the ground.
1.Will jammer interference the other electronic equipment to be in good working condition?
No. Because the electromagentic signal sent by jammer are totally used in the band that regulated by government and just have interception effect to cell phone communication.
2.Will jammer have bad effect to human body and cell phone?
You should not worry about it.The intensity of electromagnetic signal sent by jammer is in compliance with the national standard of environmental electromagnetic wave health,the signal sent by jammer is relatively small and no damage will appeared on human body according to the testing files.Meanwhile,this device is just damge the receiving condition to cell phone and makes the normal connection between cell phone and base station impossible. Therefore,no damage will occur on cell phone itself.
3.Is there any difference of distance between using jammer indoor and outdoor?
Yes. Generally speaking,outdoor signals is bigger than the indoor signal.Thereby,the shileding effect is worse outdoor.Strictly speaking,whether using indoor or outdoor,the effective distance of interception is related to the surrounding environment as the distance between different base statins,positions of installstion,ect.
4.Is the jammer has the same effect to GSM cell phone and CDMA cell phone?
The capacity of anti-interference of CDMA is much better than GSM cell phone.So the interference effect for GSM cell phone is better than CDMA cell phone.
5.The shell of jammer will become hor affer working for some times.Does the long-time keeping in working condition will damage the machine itself?
It is very normal.When design,We are thinking of taking use of the conductivity of metal shell to help the heat sinking during our designation,by this way,the machine can be kept in good working condition for long time.
6.Working Distance of Signal Jammer?
The working distance is the most concerned point for the buyers. Usually, the distance is 10 m to 1km. We have the basic type that support the typical coverage is 10 meters. For the professional Jammers, the working range on the highway is 1000m, while it is 500m in the center of city
About 3-7 working days for the parcel to reach your side normally after we ship your order.
Registered Air Mail:
About 7-15 working days for the parcel to reach your side normally after we ship your order.
All the orders will be insured by All items are carefully packed and addressed for export. Deliveries shall generally include customary one-way standard export packaging.
Please check the package carefully when you receive it from the courier.
If you find the package is broken or damaged, please check the merchandise carefully and make sure it is of good condition.
If the merchandise does not work well, please refuse to sign the package and contact us immediately.
If the courier loses the package, please inform us as well. We shall then refund the cost or replace the item, but only if and after confirmation has been received from the insurance company regarding acceptance of the claim and payment of the compensation.
1. Paying with credit cards: VISA/MASTER CARD;
2. Paying with EU bank transfer;
ALL products carry a full one (1) year warranty.
While our portable units can be used constantly and while charging, if your application requires constant-on use much more than intermittant use, a fixed location cell phone jammer is the better choice.
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Please email us your questions regarding our jammer products.